Wednesday, May 6, 2020

May Fourth Movement and 1911 Revolution Essay Example For Students

May Fourth Movement and 1911 Revolution Essay Yunfang YANG S2774352 Pac 10 China in Transformation 1900-1949 Note: special consideration granted for 1-week extension. Number: 14998. Question: â€Å"In political, culture and social terms the May fourth movement was far more important than the 1911 revolution†. Discuss. China made its modernisation through revolutions. There are two historical event scholars believes can be threat as milestone of the transformation: 1911 Xinhai revolution, which brings an end to the two thousand year of monarchy; May fourth movement which carried out by students in Beijing protesting against the unfair treatment China get on the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. The word revolution means ‘the fundamental change of power’, where the word movement is ‘a group action asking improvements to be made’. In term of political, cultural and social terms, May fourth movement has a much significant influence than the Xinhai revolution. In fact, Xinhai revolution does not achieve any political improvement of the government. Culturally, there is giant step forward after the 1911 revolution. Lastly from the society point of view, life is only getting worse. Historians believe Xinhai revolution is about Dr Sun Yat-sen’s personal optimism and penchant in politics (Eto Schiffrin, 1994). Fourth May Movement is a step to the modernisation in political, cultural and social terms. The expulsion of Manchus does more political damage then the Fourth May Movement. The term politics define as the process by which groups of people make collective decisions (Kymlicka, 2002). Scholars in the present date are still debating whether the revolution to bring China to a republic country is a good idea (Kapp, 1973). At 1900s, China has a population of 400 million; people are influenced by the monarchy for two thousand years. The country itself had only opened to foreigners for fifty years; the revolution in 1900 shows the majority of population rejects western ideas. Many warlords have take advantage of people’s unawareness for person gain. At the point of view of the government, after the revolution, the centralised Beiyang government is only able to govern a few provenances. The rest are controlled by local political powers having their own armies and beyond the central government’s control. The second problem with the 1911 revolution is, even inside the Chinese United Leagues, leaders have no idea of which form of government to use after the revolution becomes a success (Kent, 1999). The original agenda with the Chinese United league is to expulsion the Manchus first then discuss which governing system to use. Even when the 1911 revolution has come to an success inside the Chinese United League itself are still debating which form of government to use,presidential system, cabinet system. When Dr Sun is the president, Presidential system is used, but when Yuan Shikai become the president cabinet system is used in order to reduce his political influence. This not only shows the revolutionists fail to trust Yuan Shikai, also the formation of government is not based on good political will. The political climate at 1911 is full of darkness and violence (Chang, 1987). Different political power are trying all they can to grab all the power. Secrete executions are carried out to the people with different political views. For example, Zhang Zhenwu is executed by Yuan Shikai’s order to damage the political appearance of his Vice president Li Yuanhong who is also the main opposition to his rule. Moreover, Song Jiaoren’s assassination in 1913, after Guomin party wins majority seat in the parliament. Ultimately, the 1911 revolution was not a success. Take into account that Yuan Shikai in 1915 re-establish monarchy and crowns himself the Emperor. Many scholars believe Politically, Xinhai revolution is more of Dr Sun’s optimism but improve China’s political climate. In comparison to the Fourth May revolution, the results are completely different. On 4th May 1919, some 3000 students confounded the police by assembling at the Beijing’s Tiananmen Square and taking to the streets, the demonstration was well organized, corpear to the 1911 Revolution (Schwarcz, 1986). Under the pressure of Fourth May movement, during the 1921 Washington conference, an agreement is made between China and Japan, requires Japan to return all the previous Germany leased territory, return the custom authority in Qindao to China and many railways (Frederick, 1999). Fourth May movement also puts pressure on the cabinet, which leads to the resignation of all cabinet members. This movement shows the would that the Chinese people also have the ability to choose who to lead the country. Different from seven years ago the Xinhai revolution, unions have excised their power in democracy. Apart from foreign policy, during the movement, unions are formed in major cities. Students, factories workers and many middle and low class people, demonstrate their ability to influence the government, and express their opinions. Fourth May movement helps spread communism. Candide 3 EssayEarly feminist in China who fights for equal right has exceeded their goal with the push from Fourth May Movement (Hong Mangan, 1995). Modern day feminist idea is explored right after (Fan, 1997). Universities, such as the Beijing University and Linnan University start to intake female student. That is a step forward for the movement of equal gender rights, which we now consider to be modern idea. The movement itself also shows improvement on general public’s awareness of politics. Since difference social groups are able to stand beside each other to achieve common goal, conflict inside the society got smoothened at some level. Successes of May Fourth majority of people who are involved in this wave of revolution are middle and low class. No high-class leaders join the movement, many head of the state resign after the movement due to social pressures, and Ideas spreading during this movement are democracy and science. Low and middle class parties realised they can make a difference by expressing their political will. The movement itself give birth to the Chinese communism party, and it is one of the time major historical moments, which the Chinese government reject to sign unfair legislation. The hate to Japan quickly spread around the country; Japanese goods are resists by the general public. This movement allow the Chinese local factories to take over the market. After the Fourth May movement, 1921 October education system is reformed, changing the system to, 6 years primary school, 4 years of middle school, 4 years of high school and 4-6 years of university. Bring in modern factor to the education system, and it is a step forward toward education modernisation. In many ways shows the May Fourth movement is more important than the 1911 Revolution in political, cultural and social terms. In social terms May Fourth movement is a key let to the new generation of higher status of woman; the replacement of the classical language with the vernacular; the freedom and the development of the Chinese communist party. Politically, it is the first time low and middle class people showing their willingness to participate in the republic government. In Cultural terms, May Fourth Movement represents the amalgamation of traditional Chinese and Western culture. In the other hand for the Xinhai Revolution, It shows Dr Sun is politically immaturity; the revolution itself is not organised thus brings chaos to the society; Culturally, larger percentages, especially villagers do not even have any idea of republic. Therefore, Fourth May movement offers more achievement to the modernisation of China. Reference list: Chang Hao, (1987), â€Å"Chinese intellectuals in crisis : search for order and meaning 1890-1911†, University of California, Berkeley. Dickinson F. R. , (1999), â€Å"War and National Reinvention: Japan in the Great War†, Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge. Eastman L. E. , (1990), â€Å"The abortive revolution : China under nationalist rule†, Harvard University, Cambridge. Feigon Lee, (1983), â€Å"founder of the Chinese Communist Party†, Princeton University Press, Princeton. Hong Fan, (1997), â€Å"liberation of womens bodies in modern China†,Footbinding, feminism and freedom ,Portland, London. Hong Fan,   Mangan J. 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